Who Were the Scribes and Pharisees?


Within the four Gospels in the Bible, we find Jesus referring to people known as the “scribes and Pharisees” repeatedly. This phrase actually doesn’t exist as many times as it seems; but in every case, it is used in a negative manner. Mostly, we see Jesus rebuking them, saying “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,” … Read more

What Does the Number 14 Represent in the Bible?

number 14,bible

The Bible is filled with practical knowledge, revelations from God, and abundant symbolism. The Jews weren’t alone in their affinity to find something symbolic in everything they saw; many ancient cultures were the same. Those ancient people looked for signs in nature and the world around them. While the Bible doesn’t encourage the “seeking of … Read more

What is the Meaning of Beulah Land?


Roughly one-third of the Bible is written in poetic form, making it more challenging to understand. Poetry, by its very nature, uses a lot of literary mechanisms which leave gaps that the reader has to fill in. Much attention must be paid to each and every detail in the poetry, in order to capture the … Read more

Why Did God Give Sarah a Baby?


The book of Genesis is one of the most fascinating books in the Bible. Not only is it filled with stories about great heroes of the faith, it contains the story of creation and those early generations of people, from Adam and Eve, through to Abraham’s great-grandchildren, who became the patriarchs of the twelve tribes … Read more

How Did Jesus Feed the Multitude?


Jesus’ ministry, here on earth, was marked by many miracles. It was clear that He was intentionally showing God’s power to the people of the day and through the written Word of God, to us as well. This can be seen as a very clear and intentional message, supporting and proving that He was the … Read more