Why are there Four Gospels?


The New Testament of the Bible starts out with the four Gospel accounts, telling the life of Jesus. While they all have much in common, they are also unique, providing us with different perspectives on His life and ministry. Yet the question exists and arises from time to time, why there are four separate accounts; … Read more

Why Did Jesus Cry When Lazarus Died?

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The Gospels are filled with stores of Jesus, some showing His human side and others showing more of His divine nature. He was truly God and man, at the same time. At times, it’s hard to tell whether it is His human side or His divinity that is showing through. Actually, these times are probably … Read more

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

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The life of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels, is filled with singular events that are not found in the lives of others. That shouldn’t be surprising, considering who He is; but even with that, it can be hard to understand some of the things He did and why He did them. Nevertheless, Jesus never … Read more

Why did Jesus Use Parables?

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If there’s any part of the Bible, besides Psalms, that people love to read, it’s the Gospels. We love to read the words Jesus spoke, the miracles that He performed and the other acts that He did. Most people know at least some of those stories by heart, even if they hardly ever read the … Read more

How Does Jesus Pray?

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Prayer is an important part of the life of any believer, although sadly, there are many believers who rarely pray. Our prayer is how we communicate with God, both speaking to Him, as well as listening for His reply. All great men of God in the Bible and in church history were men of prayer; … Read more

Why did God Stop Appearing?


It is perfectly natural for people to want to see God. After all, we are physical beings, who are accustomed to taking in information through our five senses. Those things which we can sense are real to us, requiring no faith to believe in. Things become a bit more challenging for us though, when we … Read more

How Did God Speak Through the Prophets?


Of all the books in the Bible, the books of the prophets are the most mysterious. Throughout those books, we find God speaking to His people, through the prophets. Many of the messages they present are enigmatic, requiring as much help from the Holy Spirit to understand their meaning, as the prophets themselves needed to … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Sin?


If there’s anything that people know about the Bible, it’s that it talks about sin. That might be the only thing they know and they may not have a correct concept about what sin is or about God’s attitude towards sin; but they know it talks about sin. To many people, this is their big … Read more

How Did Jesus Walk on Water?

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One of the most fascinating parts of the Bible is the Gospels, where it talks about the life and ministry of Jesus. Within those four accountings of His life, the most fascinating part is the miracles and healings that Jesus did. It seems that everyone has an interest in supernatural power, regardless of their personal … Read more

How Did Jesus Obey His Parents?

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The Bible tells us very little about Jesus’ childhood. We find his birth depicted in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke; but not much more after the Wise Men’s visit. Matthew’s Gospel tells us that God directed Joseph to move his family to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-14) and later to return to Israel (Matthew 2:20-23). Other … Read more