Why does God Allow Cancer?


It is common for people who are going through hard times to blame their problems on God. Regardless of what the problem is, some people reason that God must be at fault in some way. After all, God is all powerful, so He could easily take care of their problem; and since He is loving, … Read more

How Does the Bible Explain Carbon Dating?

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One of the challenges facing Christianity today is in refuting the attacks on the Bible by those who don’t believe it. Science is regularly used in this regard, specifically the “science” of evolution. I say that in quotation marks because evolution really isn’t a science, by the definition of science. Rather, it is a scientific … Read more

How Does the Bible Explain Reality?

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The word “reality” is an interesting one. Look it up in the dictionary and the definition that will be given will be something like “the world or state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.” Philosophers have struggled with this definition for centuries, with some going … Read more

How Does the Bible Explain Neanderthals?


Modern science, especially evolutionary science, presents many questions for the church to answer, although most of those questions are asked in a rhetorical fashion, with the expectation that we cannot answer them. In this, it is expected that our inability to answer those questions would prove science right and Biblical Christianity wrong.  There is an … Read more

Why Does God Allow Cruelty to Animals?


Cruelty to animals is very real. It is something that has existed all through history. Some come from other animals and some come from people who don’t care about animals. Petty people look at animals as being beneath them, rather than appreciating them for what they are. In doing so, they make it easy for … Read more

How Does the Bible Explain Dinosaurs?


There are two competing scientific theories about how the world came into existence and where mankind, as well as all the plants and animals came from: evolution and Biblical creationism. Evolution is called “science” and taught as fact, even though it is merely a theory. The late Carl Sagan, speaking at the American Association for … Read more

How Does God Look Like in Heaven?


It’s natural to wonder just what God looks like. Throughout history, pagan people have created images of their gods, mostly what we would call “idols.” But the only image most of us have of the God of the Bible is that of an old man, with a white beard. This is a Hollywood image, based … Read more

Why Does God Bless Some and Not Others?

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Throughout history, mankind has sought the blessings of whatever gods they served. Many ancient religions not only sought to receive the blessings of their gods, but also to prevent those gods from bringing calamity upon them. Sacrifices were given both to garner blessings and to avoid disaster.  With that kind of human history, it should … Read more

Why Does God Take Our Pets Away?


The domestication of animals stands as one of history’s greatest achievements, even though it doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Had our early ancestors never accomplished that, we would all still need to spend considerable time hunting for food. We would never have had vehicles or animal power to run early industry; farmers would have … Read more

Is the Bible Fiction or Nonfiction?


The Bible has been determined to be the most popular book of all time. This was discovered by the writer James Chapman, who created a list of the books with the most copies sold, reasoning that the most copies sold would indicate the number of people reading it. According to Chapman’s figures, there have been … Read more