What is the Spirit Husband and Spirit Wife?

spirit wife,spirit husband

Marriage, as the Bible defines it, is a spiritual joining together of one man and one woman in a life-long committed relationship. It is something created by God, for our benefit, and carries His blessing. Although the word “marriage” is not used there, we see the very first couple, Adam and Eve, joined together by … Read more

How Does God Keep Track of Everyone?


It’s not uncommon for people to think that God doesn’t hear their prayers. After all, there are now more than eight billion people occupying this planet of ours. We’re not all praying at the same time, but we’re all living; and God does much more than just listen to our prayers. He somehow keeps track … Read more

Prophetesses in the Bible


The term “prophetess” is one that is not commonly found in the Bible. But that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be or that there is something wrong with the idea of women in the ministry. God has called women to positions of ministry in the Bible. Therefore, we should not go against God in this. … Read more

Why Did God Let Job Suffer?


One of the more baffling books in the Bible is the story of Job. Just about everyone knows the story; but that doesn’t mean we understand it. The idea that God would allow Job to suffer as He did, seems to go against the idea of a loving God who looks after us. Worse than … Read more

What is Evil Speaking?


The world we live in is filled with evil. Satan has wasted no time, starting in the Garden of Eden, in teaching mankind the knowledge of evil and how to fill our lives with it. He started by ensuring that Adam and Eve would gain the knowledge of good and evil, then has majored in … Read more

Why Did God Create the Devil?


Believers the world over complain about being plagued by the existence of the devil. Whether or not they are is possibly open for debate; but as far as those believers are concerned, there’s no doubt that they are. They see bad things happen in their lives and assume that the devil is behind them; causing … Read more

How Many People are in Heaven Now?


Heaven is a fascinating place to those who believe; made even more fascinating by the fact that the Bible really doesn’t tell us a lot about it. There’s enough that we can be sure that it exists as God’s abode; but as for specific detail, there really isn’t much. We don’t find an explanation for … Read more