DIVOC Meaning in Bible


It is not unusual for people to try and find biblical meaning in just about anything. There is a long history of people finding meaning where others never saw it, all through church history and probably even all through Jewish history as well. Some of those meanings are actually applicable to our lives, while many … Read more

Who was Baptized Twice in the Bible?


Baptism is something that all Christian denominations declare to be a necessary sacrament. Everyone from the Catholics, through the Baptists to the Charismatics agree on baptism in water. But that’s about as far as the agreement goes. There are those who say that without baptism, one can’t go to heaven and there are others who … Read more

“Fortress” – Bible Definition


There are many names given to God in the Bible; those which are commonly known, such as Jehovah Jirah (God my Provider) and El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) as well as others which may easily be skipped over, without us realizing they are names. But those names are important, as all names in the Bible … Read more

What does the Bible Say About the First Humans?

first humans,adam and eve,eden garden,nature and animals

Prehistoric times can be difficult to decipher and understand. Without a written record that we can understand, mankind is left with the option of using the evidence they find to try and reconstruct what actually happened. The problem is that the same evidence can lead to many different conclusions. This problem is amplified when people … Read more