Purpose of Fasting and How to Do It


The spiritual discipline of fasting is practiced by pretty much all of the major religions, although they don’t all fast the same way or for the same purpose. We can’t really compare Christian fasting to Buddhist fasting, for example, as the two religions have little to nothing in common. Yet the fasting that Christians do … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Smoking?

smoking,bible,young man

There are always people who question what the Bible says about different things, usually things that they want to do or things that it bothers them that others are doing. In either case, if we were to look at the motivation of the individual’s heart, we’d often find that their motives in asking the question … Read more

Does God Have a Plan for My Life?

god's plan,life

One of the big questions in life is determining what we are here to do. This one question causes identity crises for many of our youth. Some don’t really get over that, because they never find their true calling. Those people can spend their whole lives going from one thing to the next, without ever … Read more

What is Baptist Catechism?

baptist catechism,church

The idea of catechism is an ancient one, going back to the days of the early church. Up until the 1500s, when Gutenberg produced his movable type press, there were very few Bibles in the world. Most churches didn’t have a whole Bible and if they did, it was hand-copied. This didn’t stop the preaching … Read more

What is a Baptist Association?

baptist association,church,people

The Christian faith has gone through a process of fragmentation throughout the last 2,000 years and especially since the early 1500s, when the Reformation began. Much of this process has come about through revival. As the Holy Spirit gives revelation and knowledge to the Body of Christ, there are those who receive and accept that … Read more

How Does Bible Study Help Us?


There are certain things you’ll hear over and over in the Body of Christ, mostly because we all need the reminders. Of these, probably the most common are to read the Bible and pray daily. Every pastor tells these two things to their congregation constantly, encouraging them to take part in these two parts of … Read more