How to Practice Christian Gratitude?


In general, gratitude is sorely lacking in the world today. It is most noticeable in children, as parents are no longer teaching them to be polite and thank others. But the problem doesn’t start with the children; as they are only portraying what they’ve been taught by their parents and society at large. With the … Read more

Pray for Spiritual Warfare

praying,spiritual warfare

Spiritual warfare is a controversial topic within the church, even though it is something we see Jesus Himself engaging in and teaching on. Paul also taught on the need for spiritual warfare, making several very bold statements about the battle that we, as believers, are engaged in, whether we believe in it or not. Our … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Soulmates?


We’ve all heard the term “soulmate” used in casual conversation and talk about relationships. It’s one of those words that everyone thinks they know and even think they know what it means, but nobody can really define it. Rather, people define it; but they each define it in their own way. There is no definitive … Read more

Should We Plan for Our Future?

planning future

Retirement planning is one of the more complicated parts of modern life. Setting aside money for a far-distant future is difficult, when one doesn’t think that they’re making enough money to pay the bills today. Many families live from paycheck to paycheck, even without taking a portion of their income and investing it for their … Read more

Why is Taking Communion Important to God?

communion table,bread,wine

Go into any church, anywhere in the world, and you’re likely to find them taking Communion or the Lord’s Supper sometime in the month. Some churches, like the Catholics, take it every mass, making it a central part of their services. On the other end of the scale, most non-denominational churches only take Communion once … Read more

Will God Give Me Anything I Want?


Throughout human history, people have tried to get their gods, whoever they might be, to do their bidding. Most ancient religions, which were just about all pagan, were built around serving their gods, so that they could get their gods to do things for them. They’d give offerings to their rain god so that they … Read more

What is My Purpose in Life?


One of the biggest questions that people struggle with is to find their own purpose in life. This is often considered to be one of the biggest questions of the teen years, but it’s one that some never come up with an answer to. We can go all our lives, without ever really finding an … Read more