What Does the Bible Say About Circumcision?


Circumcision has been a controversial subject all through church history, going back to the Early Church. With many of the first believers coming from a Jewish background, it’s not surprising that they thought that circumcision should be a requirement. The gentile believers, on the other hand, were not circumcised and didn’t want to be. It … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Gambling?


Gambling is something the traditional church has always stood against; and I might add, the more legalistic the church, the more strongly they have stood against it. Many of these churches and the people who attend them call gambling a sin, even though the Bible has nothing to say about the subject. That’s right; the … Read more

How Does God Speak to Us?

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Many people would love to receive a message directly from God, but don’t know how to. They see God speaking to the prophets in the Bible and maybe even hear other believers talk about how God has spoken to them. All this does is make them wonder why He doesn’t speak to them. Does God … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Legalism?


To many people, the Bible is full of laws about things we aren’t to do. These people’s sum total of knowledge about the scriptures is the Ten Commandments and maybe a few Bible stories. Yet based on that little bit of knowledge, they’ve come to the conclusion that the entire Bible is all negative and … Read more

Why are Church People Such Hypocrites?


People who are not in the church complain about people who are all the time, most often calling them “hypocrites.” To be fair, those in the church complain about those outside the church as well, often citing their sin. We all complain, it’s just who and what we complain about that’s different.  Somehow, it seems … Read more

Does God Forgive Murderers?


There are some sins which seem so horrendous, that we can’t really understand how the person who committed them could or even should be forgiven. Murder tops this list, with mass murder being even worse, if that is possible. The idea that someone could intentionally plan to kill another person… and then carry that out, … Read more

Why Does God Oppose the Proud?

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Pride is said to be one of the seven deadly sins, although the Bible doesn’t actually call them that. It does mention that pride is a sin, just like lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, and envy. Those were put together by Pope Gregory 1, back in about 600 AD and given that name. They seem … Read more

If God Created Marriage, Why is it Bad?


Many people complain about their marriages… or complain about their spouse, which works out to be the same thing. We all enter into marriage with grand dreams and desires, often to find ourselves disappointed when it doesn’t work out the way we think it should. What happens to our love and why can’t that other … Read more

Why Does the Bible Contradict Itself?


One of the basic tenets of Christian faith is that the Bible is without error. To state that correctly, it is without error in its original form. There are a few basic problems with that. To start with, none of us are reading the Bible in its original language, let alone its original form. Then … Read more