Does Everyone Get to Go to Heaven?

pathway to heaven

There are competing ideas about who God is and what He expects of us. Many people outside the Church have their own ideas about Him, often ideas which are not supported by the Bible. They take the little that they know and fill in the blanks out of their own imaginations, essentially creating an image … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Pornography?

bible,digital temptation,pornography

Pornography is nothing new. It can be found in the images left behind by many ancient cultures. Yet, never before in history has pornography been as readily available to the average person as it is today. Amongst the many things we can find floating around on the internet, there’s loads of pornography for those who … Read more

How Does the Bible Explain Karma?


The word “karma” has gained pretty widespread use in society today. People use it often in reference to problems that others are having, declaring that it’s just “karma” getting back at them. They are, of course, assuming that karma is an active force in the world and that it has a direct impact on all … Read more

Why Does God Know Everything?

divine knowledge,omniscience

Amongst the many attributes of God, we find that He is omniscient. That fancy word is a combination of two Latin words, and means that he knows all. While even the idea of knowing everything is beyond our comprehension, God is much greater than we are. He has proven over and over again that what … Read more