What is a Baptist Association?

baptist association,church,people

The Christian faith has gone through a process of fragmentation throughout the last 2,000 years and especially since the early 1500s, when the Reformation began. Much of this process has come about through revival. As the Holy Spirit gives revelation and knowledge to the Body of Christ, there are those who receive and accept that … Read more

How Did Jesus Walk on Water?

jesus,walking on water,boat,storm

One of the most fascinating parts of the Bible is the Gospels, where it talks about the life and ministry of Jesus. Within those four accountings of His life, the most fascinating part is the miracles and healings that Jesus did. It seems that everyone has an interest in supernatural power, regardless of their personal … Read more

How Did Jesus Obey His Parents?

young jesus,parents,mary,joseph

The Bible tells us very little about Jesus’ childhood. We find his birth depicted in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke; but not much more after the Wise Men’s visit. Matthew’s Gospel tells us that God directed Joseph to move his family to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-14) and later to return to Israel (Matthew 2:20-23). Other … Read more

How Does Bible Study Help Us?


There are certain things you’ll hear over and over in the Body of Christ, mostly because we all need the reminders. Of these, probably the most common are to read the Bible and pray daily. Every pastor tells these two things to their congregation constantly, encouraging them to take part in these two parts of … Read more

Why Does God Know Everything?

divine knowledge,omniscience

Amongst the many attributes of God, we find that He is omniscient. That fancy word is a combination of two Latin words, and means that he knows all. While even the idea of knowing everything is beyond our comprehension, God is much greater than we are. He has proven over and over again that what … Read more

Why do Good People do Bad Things?

moral dilemma,life path,man,decision

There’s a general attitude in the world today that Christians shouldn’t do bad things. Somehow, being a believer in Christ is supposed to make people perfect, unable to do bad things. Unfortunately, this is anything but true. Even the best of us fails in meeting our own expectations of how we should act, let alone … Read more