How Does the Bible Connect You to God?


Historically, one of mankind’s great desires has always been to connect themselves to their god, whoever and however they defined their god to be. This is no different for us who believe in the God of the Bible, than it is for those who have followed after other gods. The only real difference is that … Read more

How Do You Know When God is Angry?


One common image that some people have of God is to see Him seated on His throne in heaven, lightning bolt in hand, looking for someone to hurl it at. People who see God this way see Him as angry and looking for an opportunity to take that anger out on someone. There’s just one … Read more

Why Does God Test Us?

god testing us,bible,cross

Life is full of challenges and problems to overcome. We encounter things almost daily which test our patience, our intellect, our abilities and our faith. But that doesn’t mean that it is God who is testing us. life alone can do that; in addition to the tests which God brings into our lives.  As all … Read more

How to Stop Cursing?

stopping cursing,bible

We live in a world where cursing or cussing is all around us. It has become so prevalent that most people don’t even notice themselves using it or those around them. This wasn’t so in times past, when it was unacceptable to speak in such manners. While some people, like soldiers and sailors could get … Read more

How the Bible Can Help with Anxiety?


Anxiety is a serious issue in most people’s lives. We have much to worry about in modern life, from paying the bills and raising our kids to dealing with various requirements the government places upon us. But while worry and anxiety are often used as synonyms, they are actually two different things. Worry is focused … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About TikTok?


There’s no question about it, the internet has changed our lives forever. The amount of information available, the instant communication and the resources that we can find there have changed the way we live our lives and do business. It has even had an impact on how the church reaches the world.  Social media has … Read more

How Does God Reveal Himself to Us?


Since its inception, one of the things that Christians have stated about the Christian faith is that it is the only system of belief in which God has reached out to mankind, seeking to reveal Himself and enter into a relationship with us. All other religions consist of people trying to reach out to their … Read more

What does Jesus Say About Eating Pork?


A number of the things that God has commanded have become controversial through the years. That’s not because God or His commandments have changed; but because we have. Both believers and unbelievers alike look at things that God has commanded; and if they don’t understand the reason for that commandment, they have trouble obeying it. … Read more

How Does God Discipline Us?


The subject of God’s discipline is an unpopular one in the church, mostly because we misunderstand what it is. Although society has changed and is continuing to change, the image invoked by the word discipline is a parent turning their child over their knee and spanking them. While that can be discipline, when done in … Read more

How Do You Become a Baptist Minister?

baptist minister,church

The Baptist denomination is the largest protestant Christian denomination in the United States, comprising roughly one-third of American Protestants. It is hard to say just how many Baptist churches there are, because the Baptists themselves are broken up into several different organizations; however, the Southern Baptist church, the largest group, comprised some 47,000 churches as … Read more