How Does God Look Like in Heaven?


It’s natural to wonder just what God looks like. Throughout history, pagan people have created images of their gods, mostly what we would call “idols.” But the only image most of us have of the God of the Bible is that of an old man, with a white beard. This is a Hollywood image, based … Read more

How does God Answer Prayers?


Prayer is part and parcel of any religion. People were crying out to their gods long before Abraham encountered Jehovah God. Those prayers were either asking their gods to do something for them or, just as likely, asking the gods not to do something bad to them. Offerings were given to the same gods, for … Read more

Was Jesus All-knowing as a Child?

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One of the defining characteristics of God is his omniscience, the fact that He knows everything. This is often expressed in conjunction with Him being omnipresent (able to be in all places at the same time) and omnipotent (having unlimited power). He’s God, so He’s able to do anything.  But what about Jesus? He himself … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?

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Fasting, the religious act of going without food for a period of time, is a largely misunderstood area of Biblical teaching. While everyone has a pretty good idea of what fasting is, thoughts and ideas become a bit more muddled when it comes to the purpose of fasting. Different people have different ideas and fast … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Eating Shrimp?


Believers today have a hard time accepting the idea that the Bible prohibits eating certain kinds of foods. Yet it clearly does, with the most well-known prohibition being that against eating pork of any kind. Pork isn’t the only meat that God said not to eat though; there are actually quite a few different types … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About God’s Hatred?


The creation story tells us that we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). While sin has corrupted us, affecting how closely we follow after that image, the basic design remains intact. This isn’t so much talking about our physical form looking like His, as God doesn’t have a body; but rather, talks about our … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Idol Worship?


Roughly 3,500 years ago, Moses received the tablets of the Law from God Himself. That wasn’t the beginning of religion, merely the beginning of the Jewish religion. The Egyptians, as well as many other people groups, had established religions long before that. Mostly, those were pagan religions, steeped in idolatry.  Just what is paganism? Paganism … Read more

Why Does God Put Someone in Your Life?


We all meet various people throughout our lives. Some of those people are like two ships passing in the night… we see them, we might even have a conversation with them; but no more. Once they pass, they are gone, never to return. But then there are others, people who come into our lives, stay … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos?


Tattoos have gained in popularity in recent years, especially amongst the young. Some people just seem to like “inking” their bodies, with the more extreme examples being quite artistic. From small, hidden tattoos to full “sleeves” that cover the entire arm, tattoos allow their owners to make a statement, either about who they are, what … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Healing?


Many people, whether they are active Christians or not, turn to God to meet the various needs in their lives. One such need is for healing. There are countless people who would never pray to God for anything, until the doctor gives them a prognosis that they have an incurable disease. That can turn anyone … Read more