If God Created Marriage, Why is it Bad?


Many people complain about their marriages… or complain about their spouse, which works out to be the same thing. We all enter into marriage with grand dreams and desires, often to find ourselves disappointed when it doesn’t work out the way we think it should. What happens to our love and why can’t that other … Read more

Why Does the Bible Contradict Itself?


One of the basic tenets of Christian faith is that the Bible is without error. To state that correctly, it is without error in its original form. There are a few basic problems with that. To start with, none of us are reading the Bible in its original language, let alone its original form. Then … Read more

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

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The life of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels, is filled with singular events that are not found in the lives of others. That shouldn’t be surprising, considering who He is; but even with that, it can be hard to understand some of the things He did and why He did them. Nevertheless, Jesus never … Read more

Why did Jesus Use Parables?

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If there’s any part of the Bible, besides Psalms, that people love to read, it’s the Gospels. We love to read the words Jesus spoke, the miracles that He performed and the other acts that He did. Most people know at least some of those stories by heart, even if they hardly ever read the … Read more

Does Everyone Get to Go to Heaven?

pathway to heaven

There are competing ideas about who God is and what He expects of us. Many people outside the Church have their own ideas about Him, often ideas which are not supported by the Bible. They take the little that they know and fill in the blanks out of their own imaginations, essentially creating an image … Read more

Purpose of Fasting and How to Do It


The spiritual discipline of fasting is practiced by pretty much all of the major religions, although they don’t all fast the same way or for the same purpose. We can’t really compare Christian fasting to Buddhist fasting, for example, as the two religions have little to nothing in common. Yet the fasting that Christians do … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Smoking?

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There are always people who question what the Bible says about different things, usually things that they want to do or things that it bothers them that others are doing. In either case, if we were to look at the motivation of the individual’s heart, we’d often find that their motives in asking the question … Read more

Does God Have a Plan for My Life?

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One of the big questions in life is determining what we are here to do. This one question causes identity crises for many of our youth. Some don’t really get over that, because they never find their true calling. Those people can spend their whole lives going from one thing to the next, without ever … Read more

How to Explain the Crucifixion to a Child?


To children, especially small children, Easter Sunday, or as many Christians are now calling it, “Resurrection Sunday” is more about colored eggs and candy, than it is about the saving work that Jesus did on the cross. It’s a holiday for kids; but we have to understand that a child’s understanding of holidays is much … Read more