How Many People are in Heaven Now?


Heaven is a fascinating place to those who believe; made even more fascinating by the fact that the Bible really doesn’t tell us a lot about it. There’s enough that we can be sure that it exists as God’s abode; but as for specific detail, there really isn’t much. We don’t find an explanation for … Read more

Does God Have Emotions?


Emotions are something that are considered to be uniquely human. While we see some animals express emotion, especially dogs, we don’t truly know if that is emotion or some other reaction, as we can’t talk to them and get an answer that we can understand. But not all animals express emotion in any way that … Read more

Why Did God Give Sarah a Baby?


The book of Genesis is one of the most fascinating books in the Bible. Not only is it filled with stories about great heroes of the faith, it contains the story of creation and those early generations of people, from Adam and Eve, through to Abraham’s great-grandchildren, who became the patriarchs of the twelve tribes … Read more

How Did Jesus Feed the Multitude?


Jesus’ ministry, here on earth, was marked by many miracles. It was clear that He was intentionally showing God’s power to the people of the day and through the written Word of God, to us as well. This can be seen as a very clear and intentional message, supporting and proving that He was the … Read more

Why is Taking Communion Important to God?

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Go into any church, anywhere in the world, and you’re likely to find them taking Communion or the Lord’s Supper sometime in the month. Some churches, like the Catholics, take it every mass, making it a central part of their services. On the other end of the scale, most non-denominational churches only take Communion once … Read more

Where do Souls Go Before Judgment Day?

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One of the greatest questions in life is what happens to us after we die. One could say that the purpose of religion… all religion… is to answer that one question. Throughout history, the founders, theologians and philosophers of the world’s many religions have tackled this question, seeking to come up with an answer that … Read more