Does God Change His Mind?


You’ve probably changed your mind on something; we all do, from time to time. But does that mean that God does as well? Is it fair for us to say God does something, just because we’re accustomed to doing so? If “His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our … Read more

Will God Give Me Anything I Want?


Throughout human history, people have tried to get their gods, whoever they might be, to do their bidding. Most ancient religions, which were just about all pagan, were built around serving their gods, so that they could get their gods to do things for them. They’d give offerings to their rain god so that they … Read more

Does God Really Expect Us to Be Perfect?


One of the biggest struggles people have with the Bible is the appearance that God expects us to be perfect. The Bible is seemingly filled with commandments; 613 of them in the Old Testament and over 1,000 in the New Testament. How can anyone remember them all, let alone manage to obey them all? Exacerbating … Read more

What is My Purpose in Life?


One of the biggest questions that people struggle with is to find their own purpose in life. This is often considered to be one of the biggest questions of the teen years, but it’s one that some never come up with an answer to. We can go all our lives, without ever really finding an … Read more

Does God Want Us Wealthy or Poor?


Somehow, people have always associated one’s financial status with their spiritual one. This isn’t just something that Christians do, as it was a common understanding in many ancient religions that the only way to wealth was through the blessing of whatever deity they served. People have sought the blessings of their gods throughout the ages, … Read more

Why is God so Negative About Sex?

theological perspectives,sexuality

The sexual revolution hit the United States and Europe from the 1960s to 1980, bringing what people thought was sexual “freedom.” No longer did sexual intercourse have to be limited to the marriage relationship. People could have sex with whoever they wished, whether through an established relationship or the desire of the moment. There was … Read more

Why are there Four Gospels?


The New Testament of the Bible starts out with the four Gospel accounts, telling the life of Jesus. While they all have much in common, they are also unique, providing us with different perspectives on His life and ministry. Yet the question exists and arises from time to time, why there are four separate accounts; … Read more